Sunday, January 11, 2009

Birthday Cards

This year I'm trying to commit myself to making birthday cards for everyone's birthday. I've been really bad in past years. Sending some and then skipping on others. My days get so busy at work, so I get very forgetful. But I'm planning on making time for me. So this year I'm hoping to get organized early. If I don't have your birthday :o) send it and maybe you'll get a lovely surprise in the mail.

January Birthday Wishes: May you all have a wonderful birthday!!

Sue, Tony (Dad), Izzy (SIL), Margie, Rebecca and Veronica

Check out Ethel, she's got style and is ready to party. I made this birthday card by paper piecing her pants to match the background DCVW pattern paper and close to cocoa stamping up card stock. You can find Ethel at Rubbernecker. She is totally excited!!

1 comment:

Bec said...

Love that her pants match the background...we should all have pants that match our wallpaper, don't you think?