Thursday, September 23, 2010


Oh my gosh... I found this picture at the bottom of my scrapbook box, it's perfect.

Louie and my nephew Tony were probably about 3 years old in this photo. Louie's new word was "LOSER", I think maybe Chris Farley was big on saying that word that year.

Because once Louie heard it from my siblings, he always had his fingers ready to sign "LOSER"... But you have to say it like Farly, "LOOOOOOOserrrrrr". Haha....

We kept trying to snap pictures with him not doing it, but at the end he got it in. He and Tony were adorable at this age. They loved each other, and took care of each other all the time. Tony was the over protective one.. Louie was the goof ball. Things haven't changed :o)

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