Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's my Birthday!!!

I've been trying really hard to post everyday. Or write a few posts every night and set them to post automatically. I'll probably go back to being a bad blogger, but for now, I'll enjoy just writing, even if no one is reading. Oh and my English is bad. Maybe if I wrote in Spanglish, everything would be better.

So I decided to post an updated picture of myself. I'm so happy lately, even though these weeks have been rough financially. I still have faith in the Lord. He truly gets me through each day.

I've become more spiritual. I read the bible every night and I'm just in the best place I've even been..."EVER" . Today I turn 35 YEARS OLD! And I feel like my life has just begun.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The new ride

Proud owner of a "Jeep Wrangler"..... a few months ago, I purchased a new car for Louie. He had a big decision to make either finish the basement or buy a new car. Who was I kidding??? This kid was going to pick a car.

He just couldn't wait to take the doors off the car, it was the first thing him and his friends did. I think he's been pretty happy with it. A few days ago he got into a fender bender and now he's a nervous wreck. So car's been in the garage hibernating. I keep praying that the everything comes out okay with the other vehicle and that God will see us through this mess. He really is a great kid, I never had any problems with him. I love my boy and we have to be confident that God knows why he puts us through this. And just be thankful that Louie has his life and so does the other driver.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh Deer.

This summer I was training for the 2010 3Day Breast Cancer walk that happened in August. It was my 3rd year walking 60 miles for Breast Cancer. This year was not a great year, as I torn my medial meniscus. So I walked 50 miles this year. I was miserable, but I managed. And I finished.

So onto the picture. I captured this picture while training at our campsite in "WoodHaven Lakes"
I was walking as I saw this deer eating. I started talking to it like a baby, "Oh your so beautiful", "Look at you little one, your the cutest of the bunch"... Remember, "Baby talk".... Well the deer decides to follow me. I was FREAKIN OUT!!! So much for being nice. "Oh Deer"... LOL

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Oh my gosh... I found this picture at the bottom of my scrapbook box, it's perfect.

Louie and my nephew Tony were probably about 3 years old in this photo. Louie's new word was "LOSER", I think maybe Chris Farley was big on saying that word that year.

Because once Louie heard it from my siblings, he always had his fingers ready to sign "LOSER"... But you have to say it like Farly, "LOOOOOOOserrrrrr". Haha....

We kept trying to snap pictures with him not doing it, but at the end he got it in. He and Tony were adorable at this age. They loved each other, and took care of each other all the time. Tony was the over protective one.. Louie was the goof ball. Things haven't changed :o)

2nd Order

My day started off not on the right side of bed, but ended as a good day. Louie and I had dinner together, it's been a few nights, since he's grounded. We actually watched some television together and he was able to fix and rebuild his LAPTOP... GO LOUIE!!! He saved us some money, which was a blessing because we are going through some hard times :o)

Today was also the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy! Woot Woot. Loved it and tired of it, it's a love hate relationship. A lot of shows started this week. Glee, Biggest Loser, Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl. I know show junkie. Time to get the workout done in the morning and lunch now. Thank gosh for Tivo. Louie and I watch a few shows together it's our thing to do.

Well onto cardmaking as promised!! A few months ago, I receive a second order. It was my largest order yet.

I made a total of 42 cards for a friend LoAnn. It was so much fun making all the wonderful handmade cards. I really appreciated that she loved my first set so much that she decided on placing a second order.

I'm hoping that my Christmas and Halloween cards do just as good.

These cards had a combination of the cards I previously made and new cards, some were doubles and others were singles. I hope you enjoy!

My New Beginnings

I've been neglecting this site, I have totally failed as a blogger. I follow so many different blogs, and inspire to be more like them, updating regularly, taking pictures. Who am I kidding...

So if you like reading my blog looking at my creations, once in a blue moon. This is definitely the place for you :o)

Today, I don't share scrapbooking/cardmaking although I've been on a roll with that, pictures to come soon :o) I wanted to share my story on, being saved.

Alot has been going on in the past couple of months. My son and I became followers of Christ. I've always been a Catholic, but a non-practicing one. My son found this church and youth group all on his own and I followed.

Let's talk about "My" experience there. I've just recently started going to a Christian church... we'll it's been over a few years that I've been trying to find my place with Christ. I was just never was comfortable. Christian Church and Catholic Church, totally different fellowship. I'm not knocking on being Catholic. But I just found my place in a Christian Church. Grandma and mom weren't to happy in the beginning.

So I've been to a few Christian churches before finding my home, "Village Church". My son Louie had already been going to Youth Group nights there with all his friends. One evening he asked me if he could go to a Winter Retreat and I was thinking... Man, this is getting serious. So that Sunday I decided on going to "Village Church", to understand what my son had been learning. At first, it was just OVERWHELMING!! Have you been to a Christian Church? The "Foyer" is like pack to the gills with people talking and hanging out, enjoying eachothers fellowship. I was like a fish in the sea. LOST, SHY, OVERWHELMED!! I couldn't wait til' the doors would open so I could go have a seat... Kept looking at my watch.. LOL... The vision of this is cracking me up now, now that I feel I'm home.

The very first day I was there, the Worship music was awesome, I didn't know how I could stop the tears... Being that it was my first day at "Village Church", now I was really in for it. The music just bought chills to me. I now know it was the "Holy Spirit". Thanks Kathy Gjeldum for explaining. :o)

Months passed, Louie got more involved, I started to volunteer... hoping to meet new friends. My son and all his friends knew me and I had a good friend that was going. But I just felt, I needed to help. I'm single... I had time, and I needed God in my life.

My first volunteer job was helping at a silent auction. I met a few people that have now made footprints in my life. Amee & Shawn Liptak, Kristy Crider... Kristy and I both went to Crossroads, but we never connected.

Louie went on a week long conference to "Challenge 10", I wont' tell his story, I'm not sure it's mine to share. But he got saved there.... He was so excited when he returned home. I cried, he cried.. I was so happy. I had been praying to God that Louie would find himself there. And it just seemed like music to my ears, he answered my prayers.

Shortly after that Louie was telling me what "BEING SAVED" meant. I had no idea, and I was completely embarrassed that I didn't know. I was embarrassed that I couldn't explain to my own son what he was going through and help him. So I started asking questions, thanks to my good friends the Gjeldums, especially Kathy.. I am no a follower of Christ too.... And I've never been so happy in my entire life.

Thanks for reading through my beginnings....... there's much more to come. God has blessed me!