Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Card Making

Yesterday a few of us got together and made our Holiday Cards. It was so much fun to have my family over. Lot's of food, wine, beer and LAUGHTER! We had a "Virgin" card maker, my brothers girlfriend, Claudia. She made 3 cards and got really addicted. That's her pictured to the right. She kept saying she was done after her first card and my sister would egg her on to make another and another.

Pictured to the left is my sister Marisol, giving you all the peace sign. She always loves to make her cards using non-traditional colors. She used a stamp set by CTMH. Cute!

Izzy made the card on your right. She didn't want to take a picture with her card. She's pictured in the background with the orange shirt, but you can't see her and I promised I would not take a picture. We also managed to capture a little bit of the Modelo Beer we were drinking too. Very good Mexican beer, hee,hee. She made this beautiful Angel. A discountinued set by Stampin' Up.

And my card. Not pictured either, I looked horrible. I don't know where this image came from. I've been looking for this cute little snowman.. FOREVER!!! So if anyone knows, please, please share. I was in a holiday swap over at "Splitcoaststampers", I received a bunch of stamped images. This is one of the many cards I made, I will be sharing the rest in the next couple of days.
My mom also made a few cards, but she sealed them before I can take pictures.
Enjoy! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families. - Cyndi

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Sister Mari

Hey everyone, my sister Marisol has finally made her own blog site. She is very creative, and I love her work. So go on over and welcome her to a new world of blogging.

I just got back from a wonderful weekend of cropping with friends out in Tipton, Indiana. I made 23 pages, not nearly as much as all the girls. I think someone made over 60 pages. I stood up til' 5:00a.m. every night and only had about 4 hours of sleep. It was so much fun! I don't think I'm creative enough to make that many pages, it takes me like an hour to make one. I'll be sharing those pages soon. But in the meantime. I made this card for Veterans day for a friends husband. Not sure if it's gotten to it's destination, so I won't name any names. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Las "Chicas" Sexy

Sorry, today I have no cards to share with you. This weekend we Melissa and I went with Kristi to run the Indianapolis Monumental marathon. This is Kristi's third marathon in less than a year. This was my very first marathon experience. It was awesome and tiredsome :o) I know I didn't have to do the running, but being a spectator is a lot of work. Melissa and I got a little lost trying to meet Kristi at Mile 9 so we waited a few hours at mile 21. The important thing was that we were, where she needed us to be. We calculated the first runner at a 5:05 pace. Can you believe that! I get tired just thinking about it. It was amazing to see these runners come through with their determination. We cheered for each individual runner that came by...let me tell you ringing the cow bell and yelling... "Great Job", "You can do it", "Your almost there", and "21 down, water around the corner", is exhausting. But I know how the spectators made me feel during the 3 day walk and I WAS NOT GIVING UP ON THEM. Seeing these runners bought tears to my eyes, I was an emotional reck! I'm way to sensitive. :o) Melissa and I attempted to run Kristi in, taking turns jumping in and out of the vehicle and running. But we had just finished a Venti "Hot Chocolate" from starbucks and boy did we feel that. Sorry for giving up Kristi. She's a CHAMPION! And I just wanted everyone to know that I'm so proud or HER and all you RUNNERS! You guys are definitely a different breed. You can read more about her run her site. Just click on her name above or down below.
(Pictured above from the left Melissa, me and Kristi)

"Champions are not made in the gym."
"Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision."

- Muhammed Ali