Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm back, what a great weekend. My son and I spent plenty of quality time together at the trailer. We made smores and were just plain lazy :o) We got in late Monday morning, so it was great. I definitely needed another vacation day to recoop. Currently I'm training for the Chicago Breast Cancer 3Day so I was able to do some of my miles. My father accompanied me for some, not all 13 miles on Saturday and 6 on Sunday. I'm getting a little burned out, especially when I have to repeat certain spots. I'm not sure if you understand but I hate having to repeat my miles, passing by my house 3 times is a killer because I know I still have more to do. But I love that I'm doing this walk for a cause and that's what keeps me going. You can visit my personal site for the walk at I've made few cards during one of my trips to my camper. I don't own any bella stamps, but I'm had a few friends from swaps stamp images for me. So I hope you enjoy the cards. Soon I'll keep track of my material and share that with you all.

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