Saturday, May 31, 2008

My first Craw Fish Boil, what a great time, just hanging out with friends and enjoying good food and company. My son tried a raw oyster today, and said it was not that bad :o) He's always been good at trying new things. But I'm not sure how soon he'll eat another one.

I'm not feeling so good tonight. I'm just hanging low and making note card sets as thank you presents for Louie's 8th grade teachers. I love using fruit and veggie stamps. I hope you enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by.


Bec said...

Hi Cyndi!
I didn't know you had a blog! I'll be sure to stop by more often now.
Good for you for walking 13 miles... I could never walk 13 miles, isn't that weird? I'd rather run 26 than walk 8!

I'm bummed that I missed the crawfish boil...but guess what! I'll be at the next one!

Theresa Momber said...

Beautiful cards. Your coloring is wonderful.